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Science fiction
Star Trek U.F.P. and Starfleet
Star Trek U.F.P. and Starfleet
Hornet (NCC-14270) (Fuel Shuttle)
584 x 336
Hornet (NCC-940) (Cargo Shuttle)
600 x 559
Hornet (NCC-9700) (Fighter Carrier)
619 x 497
Hornet (NX-98127) (Fighter Escort)
285 x 351
Huntington (NCC-S1000) (Deuterium Tanker)
540 x 544
Hydra (NCC-70071) (Escort)
582 x 570
Ianar (NCC-3210) (Fast Frigate)
611 x 601
Iapetus (Stellar Research Craft)
569 x 593
Icarus (Exploration Vessel)
659 x 221
Ill'Tenns (NCC-33500) (Patrol Cruiser)
460 x 325
Imladris (NCC-26250) (Courrier)
517 x 463
Immaculata (L009901) (Luxury Yacht)
315 x 337
Imp (AS-I1) (Assault Shuttle)
583 x 882
Indefatigable (Arsenal Ship)
783 x 172
Independence (Attack Cruiser)
611 x 423
Indomitable (NX-90560) (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
559 x 337
Infiltrator (Surveillance Drone)
580 x 860
Informant (X-1) (Deep-Space Surveillance Center)
552 x 633
Investigator (I-1) (Orbital Research Station)
566 x 690
Invincible (Carrier)
525 x 452
Invincible (Heavy Fighter Carrier)
546 x 106
Irtysh (NCC-38150) (Research Cruiser)
522 x 392
J Class (Space Station)
341 x 383
Jericho (Warpshuttle)
593 x 982
Jester (NCC-200) (Light Corvette)
298 x 625
Johanson (Research Terrashuttle)
580 x 511
Joshua (NCC-2700) (Command Cruiser)
606 x 590
Jupiter (Space Station)
684 x 1497
K'ehleyko (Troop Cruiser)
576 x 706
K'Kmarak (NCC-24301) (Research & Survey)
346 x 333
Kahless Mk I (NCC-9091) (Photon Torpedo Cruiser)
370 x 461
Kahless Mk II (NCC-9091) (Photon Torpedo Cruiser)
393 x 382
Kalix (NCC-46500) (Gunboat)
342 x 249
Karekh (NCC-17001) (Explorer)
423 x 553
Kennedy (NCC-921) (Diplomatic Courrier)
658 x 611
Kenner (Exploratory Cruiser)
455 x 338
Kentwood (NCC-B1000) (Bulk Cargo Carrier)
620 x 398
Kepler (K-1) (Trading Station)
587 x 1033
Kepler (Light Tactical Cruiser)
596 x 202
Kepler Upgrade (K-7) (Trading Station)
700 x 1000
Kerr (SF-91) (Small Freighter)
592 x 508
Kestral (NCC-3000) (Super Scout)
602 x 141
Kiev (NCC-3278) (Demolition Cruiser)
600 x 709
Killer Bee (General Utility Craft)
600 x 316
King Charles (Star Liner)
630 x 377
Kiva (Military Operations Command Base)
569 x 916
Kobayashi Maru (NCC-S3700) (Neutronic Fuel Carrier)
569 x 532
Kolm-An (Assault Ship)
500 x 554
Kremlin (NCC-1500) (Surveyor)
459 x 476
L.C.A.C. (Tactical Landing Craft)
580 x 393
L.C.A.C. Refit (Tactical Landing Craft)
541 x 522
Lagrange (NCC-3916) (Heavy Transport)
780 x 907
Lake Champlain (Fleet Carrier)
600 x 194
Laker (Deuterium Tanker)
620 x 243
Lancer (NCC-49000) (Fast Scout)
427 x 103
Lantree (NCC-1837) (Supply Ship)
580 x 485
Legion (NCC-20450) (Fast Cruiser)
410 x 102
Legion (NCC-7000) (Air Carrier)
564 x 724
Lenexa (Commercial Transport)
598 x 595
Leonardo (Corsair)
684 x 152
Leonardo daVinci (NCC-73509) (Research & Survey)
492 x 339
Leprechaun (SP-I1) (Shuttlepod)
583 x 1076
Leviathan (NCC-1136) (Police Cutter)
348 x 301
Lexington (Command Cruiser)
589 x 448
Lightstar (NCC-3500) (High-Speed Cruiser)
626 x 482
Lion (NCC-85710) (High-Speed Cruiser)
585 x 93
Lisetovar (SR(X)-23500) (Salvage and Rescue Ship)
554 x 388
Long Haul (NCC-1189705) (Transport Ship)
590 x 211
Lord Varea (NCC-3050) (Fast Frigate)
492 x 559
Lotus Flower (Neutronic Fuel Carrier)
580 x 455
Luxembourg (NCC-34025) (Escort Cruiser)
400 x 269
Lynx (NCC-4600) (Timeship)
630 x 777
M'Benga (NCC-10000) (Rescue Hospital Ship)
586 x 625
Mackenzie (NCC-1914) (Light Frigate)
561 x 284
Mackinzie Upgrade (NCC-1615) (Light Frigate)
645 x 619
MacPherson (NCC-27300) (Heavy Transport Tug)
630 x 1899
Macpherson (NCC-27300) (Heavy Transport)
546 x 121
Macross (NCC-3055) (Battle Dreadnaught)
585 x 477
Magellan (Exploration Vessel)
636 x 165
Magnanimous (NCC-99165) (Deep Space Explorer)
515 x 765
Maguellanes (NCC-7400) (Escort Cruiser)
592 x 649
Makin (Assault Ship)
325 x 346
Makin Refit (Assault Ship)
322 x 344
Manhattan (NCC-930) (Transport)
559 x 294
Mann (Exploration Vessel)
589 x 671
Manon (NCC-2790) (Fast Destroyer)
541 x 781
Manta (NCC-35920) (Heavy Escort)
388 x 504
Marco Polo (SS-I1) (Survey Shuttle)
600 x 912
Marie Curie (NCC-10000) (Research & Survey)
533 x 397
Markgraf (NCC-64070) (Fast Battleship)
690 x 255
Marlin (NX-30000) (Fast Dreadnaught)
601 x 399
Mary & John Mk I (NCC-8081) (Battle Destroyer)
530 x 588
Mary & John Mk II (NCC-8081) (Battle Destroyer)
504 x 639
Mary & John Mk III (NCC-8081) (Battle Destroyer)
415 x 495
Mary & John Mk IV (NCC-8081) (Battle Destroyer)
466 x 565
Masao (NCC-720) (Escort Destroyer)
568 x 318
Mauretania (NCC-217) (Transport Ship)
561 x 518
Maxim (NX-27453) (Multi-Purpose Vessel)
313 x 301
Maya (SFDD-400) (Drydock)
600 x 819
Mediterranean (NCC-43830) (Support Vessel)
543 x 645
Merchantman (Cargo Freighter)
587 x 964
Mercy (M-1) (Orbital Medical Center)
544 x 762
Mercy (NCC-543310) (Fleet Emergency Rescue Vessel)
378 x 415
Messiah (NX-85016) (Multi-Vector Assault Cruiser)
589 x 377
Michael (NX-79221) (Escort)
449 x 386
MIDAS (Array)
660 x 712
Midway (NCC-2101) (Heavy Blockade Runner)
684 x 149
Miller (Automated Tug)
620 x 342
Miller (Hospital Station)
738 x 498
Miller (Life Support Gas Transport)
598 x 688
Miller (Monitoring Station)
370 x 507
Miller (Multidock)
519 x 720
Miller (Salvage Craft)
656 x 253
Miller (Subspace Relay)
624 x 512
Mir (NX-98848-A) (Torpedo Corvette)
681 x 520
Mirage (NX-74006) (Survey)
400 x 541
Miranda (Evacuation Shuttle)
567 x 807
Misra (NCC-74500) (Star Cruiser)
370 x 142
Mission (NCC-61000) (Commercial Transport)
540 x 894
Mission (Q-1) (Intelligence Scout)
610 x 803
Mission Refit (Q-1) (Intelligence Scout)
462 x 320
Monarch (NCC-71430) (Battleship Escort Cruiser)
467 x 112
Monsoon (NCC-88800) (Fast Dreadnaught)
800 x 562
Montgomery (NCC-8100) (Heavy Dreadnaught)
604 x 535
Montgomery Scott (Mobile Repair Ship)
593 x 997
Mora (NCC-1066) (Battle Frigate)
500 x 584
Morganna (Fleet Tender)
740 x 267
Moscow (Exploration Vessel)
586 x 482
Mosquito (NCC-60500) (Runabout)
573 x 590
Napoleon (NCC-2200) (Heavy Carrier)
560 x 296
Napoleon Upgrade (NCC-2200) (Heavy Carrier)
886 x 585
Nausicaa (Diplomatic Transport)
582 x 809
Nealson (NCC-670) (Cargo Ship)
577 x 680
Nebula-X (Light Dreadnaught)
859 x 410
New Orleans (Light Dreadnaught)
574 x 611
Newton (Survey)
377 x 101
Niffen (NCC-S1600) (Buoy Tender)
590 x 447
Nightingale (NCC-76320) (High-Speed Cruiser)
468 x 320
Nightwing (NWX-01) (Gunship)
608 x 395
Nilron (Commercial Transport)
600 x 665
Nimitz (Heavy Carrier)
570 x 585
Nimitz (NX-24000) (Supercarrier)
620 x 444
Ninja (NX-77055) (Covert Operations Frigate)
494 x 358
Niven (Light Attack Cruiser)
583 x 395
Noonen (NCC-6700) (Troop Transport)
596 x 679
Normandy (SC-36000) (Supercarrier)
471 x 414
Normandy Upgrade (SC-36000) (Supercarrier)
597 x 401
Northchandra (NCC-8008) (Assault Frigate)
670 x 414
Nostromo (Fuel Transport)
650 x 356
Odessa (NCC-19600) (Fast Frigate)
505 x 370